Networking & Security
Networking and Security

With a strong background in networking and security of networks LCC is your perfect partner from small office to large corporation networks. Whenever your network is a small work group or a global spanning work force.  We provide you with the right tools and devices to give you access to your data wherever you need it. 

From our point view this is a question which IT managers should ask them self by now. Especially in cases where your company has relationships with companies or clients in the Asian area where there is no more supply of IPv4 addresses and ISP's are more and more starting to hand out the 'new' IP stack. 

Latest move from google to make the internet a safer place will have impact on your web site visitors if your site is not using SSL to encrypt traffic between your web server and client browser. Starting 31th of January 2017 google chrome browser will start to display a warning that the web site is not secure if the information is not available over SSL. This can and will be very confusing for your web site visitors and may lead them to leave your site earlier or not interact with your site at all. 

We recommend anyone to upgrade their servers and implement the SSL protocol on their sites to regain trust with your web site visitors. If you need help on implementing either a free or commercial SSL communication we will be glad to assist you. 

For a further read with mor details we recommend this article.

CISA Cybersecurity Advisories

22 October 2024